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Κατ' αρχήν σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ που μπήκες στο κόπο να το ψάξεις.Συμφωνα με το flightradar24 εφτασε στη Βενετια στις 17:48 με προγραμματισμενη αφιξη 15:35, αρα εχουμε 2 ωρες και 13 λεπτα καθυστερηση. Απ οσο γνωριζω επειδη η καθυστερηση ειναι μικροτερη των 3 ωρων δεν δικαιουσαι καποια αποζημιωση δυστηχως...
Παραθέτω εδώ αυτό που βρήκα για τα δικαιώματα επιβατών της Volotea (πιθανόν να βοηθήσει κι άλλους).
If you are voluntarily denied boarding due to overbooking, you are entitled to an alternative flight or to a refund as laid out in the previous section on ‘delay’ and to immediate compensation. The compensation shall be paid In cash, cheque or transfer, or with your agreement in form of vouchers. The amount of the compensation depends on the distance of the scheduled flight or the alternative flight proposed to you. Compensations amount to:
If you are offered an alternative flight, the scheduled arrival time of which does
not exceed the scheduled arrival time of the flight originally booked by 2 hours
in respect of flights up to 1.500 km, by 3 hours in respect of flights between
1.500 km and 3.500 km as well as intra-Community flights of more than 1.500 km, and by 4 hours in respect of all other flights, the above, mentioned compensation amounts can be reduced by 50%, i.e. €125, €200 and €300.
These rights are not granted if you have been denied boarding on reasonable
grounds, such as reasons of health, general or operational security, or inadequate travel documentation.
€250 for flights up to 1.500 km;·
€400 for flights between 1.500 km and 3.500 and intra-Community flights of
more than 1.500 km;
€600 for flights of more than 3.500 km
Αθήνα Βενετία 1.256,9 km - 2,13 min. καθυστέρηση.
Πρέπει να κυνηγήσω αποζημίωση, από ότι καταλαβαίνω.