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Από τα νέα της Lufthansa: Στις 25 Σεπτέμβρη πετάξτε για μία ώρα πάνω από τη βόρεια Γερμανία και τη Βόρεια Θάλασσα με Α380. Στο Αμβούργο με εισιτήρια από 39 ευρώ.
Attention, A380 fans! On 25 September, around 1,000 enthusiasts will have the opportunity of a round trip on the Lufthansa flagship at the Hamburg Airport Festival. From 10:00 a.m (CET) onwards a Lufthansa A380 will take off for two flights of approximately one hour each over Northern Germany and the North Sea. Tickets available 14 September 2011 at Terminal 2, Hamburg Airport: Economy Class 39 €, Business Class 99 €, First Class 199 €. Proceeds will go to charitable organizations.
Lufthansa A380
Attention, A380 fans! On 25 September, around 1,000 enthusiasts will have the opportunity of a round trip on the Lufthansa flagship at the Hamburg Airport Festival. From 10:00 a.m (CET) onwards a Lufthansa A380 will take off for two flights of approximately one hour each over Northern Germany and the North Sea. Tickets available 14 September 2011 at Terminal 2, Hamburg Airport: Economy Class 39 €, Business Class 99 €, First Class 199 €. Proceeds will go to charitable organizations.
Lufthansa A380