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Υπαρχει και η αποψη πως η επιτυχια και τα μικρα ποσοστα θνητοτητας ειναι αποτελεσμα των πολλων ελεγχων που κανει (πολυ περισσοτερους απο καθε αλλη χωρα) και ο εντοπισμος των ασθενων στο αρχικο σταδιο, του app που ειναι καταγεγραμμενα ολα τα περιστατικα και οπου με gps μπορει ο καθε Νοτιοκορεατης να δει ανα πασα στιγμη που υπαρχει κρουσμα, των θερμοκαμερων σε ολα τα δημοσια κτιρια και υπαλληλοι παντου που υπενθυμιζουν στον κοσμο να πλενει τα χερια του.Πολυ κοντα σ αυτο που λες και γιατι γινεται της ποπης στην Ιταλια αλλα οχι στην Κορεα που θεωρειται υποδειγμα.
Δεν το μεταφραζω, θεωρω οτι ξερουμε οι περισσοτεροι αγγλικα
We can learn something more that is potentially very useful from the Korean statistics. We have seen above that the age distribution of the confirmed cases corresponds rather closely to the age distribution of the overall population in South Korea if we subsume everyone below age 30 into one group where almost nobody dies from COVID-19. At the time of reporting, 50 of the confirmed 7,134 people infected with the coronavirus had died, implying an aggregate CFR of 0.7%. Since then, the Korean CFR has been creeping up to 0.89%. Hence, 1% seems to be a reasonable estimate of the case fatality rate in a high-income country (!) in the absence of any major failures of the hospital and care system (!). This 1% CFR estimate is close to what Dr. Jeremy Faust has been suggesting based on the Diamond Princess cruise ship case.
Clearly, one of the worst conclusions that could be drawn from this is that the various case fatality rates across countries will settle down at 1% eventually all by themselves. They won’t. Due to the hospital system becoming overwhelmed in Northern Italy, we already have excess mortality there that cannot be undone. Germany, with its low share of individuals infected with the coronavirus at higher age, might have gained some valuable time, but this is just a time lag, it is not a restraint to the coronavirus spreading further to the elderly soon. The relatively high and quickly growing case fatality rates in France and especially in Spain suggest that the virus has already infected a large number of older and vulnerable citizens in these countries. Regarding the US, we are still completely in the dark. Everything that is being said about the need for social distancing and in particular the protection of the elderly remains ever so true.
Η Νοτια Κορεα δεν ελαβε πολυ περιοριστικα μετρα παρα μοναχα κλεισιμο σχολειων, καποιων γραφειων και απαγορευση μεγαλων συγκεντρωσεων. Και φαινεται πως τα καταφερνει πολυ καλα.
Κατι κανουν και οι Γερμανοι και το κρατουν κρυφο.